Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Going with your gut

I had to make a really tough decision yesterday . . . so this post is about going with your gut. 

Not going with your gut as in succumbing to a few extra pounds around the middle, but about intuition and learning to trust it. Or you might call it being Spirit led.  I don't know if those words are really interchangeable but you get the idea. 

Going with your gut means knowing when to say "Yes!" and when to say "No, thank you," when it's okay to leave your doors unlocked and when to get a dog.  For a rational thinker with what my friend Meg calls an "over active guilt complex" it also means saying "no" sometimes, to people or needs or opportunities without having what feels like very good reasons.  And it can be HARD.  Hard to disappoint people. Hard to avoid toying with regret or beating yourself over the head with unnecessary guilt. Hard to remember that that "no" was really just a "yes" to something else.  

But yesterday I had to just trust my gut and trust my husband and shush my brain full of "what ifs" and "ya-buts."  And today I'm trying to live in that decision with joy, thankfulness and trust that even when I make mistakes, the Lord is big enough to sustain me.   

I wonder what "yes" yesterday's "no" will have opened up  . . . .


  1. so happy to get to talk to you yesterday!!!! i feel like so many things are left unsaid.. i miss your faces and your hugs!!! just a morning sitting there at a table watching you drink coffee and me sweating even thinking about it sounds very blissful... just miss you... can't help it.
